
4 Tips for Optimizing your Checklick Storefront

Jul 23, 2018 / By: Julia Dionne / In: Marketing/ 0 Comments

  • A brief description about your Organization (If you have your own website and you’re simply pointing your customer to your Storefront page to make a purchase, keep this short and point people to your website for more information)
  • Any special instructions or messages such as, “our refund policy is strict so please read the terms and conditions upon checkout carefully”



Good luck, and we wish you lots of business!

Make sure you fill in all mandatory fields. Required fields are marked *

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This is Julia from Support. It’s been a pleasure helping organizations set up and optimize their Checklick Storefront, and I really wanted to put together a post addressing some of the common questions, and tips for perfecting your Storefront.

Aside from first impressions, you also want your customer to have a good user experience when purchasing your products. Always keep in mind that we’re all impatient when performing tasks on the web. We want the experience to be simple and efficient so, if there are opportunities to simplify the buyer’s journey, take them!

Tip 1: Use a high quality Background banner and Organization logo

This is likely the first thing your customers will look at when landing on your page. So keep in mind - use high quality photos. As suggested on the help icon on the background image dialog box,

Your background image must be a JPEG or PNG, ideally at least 1000px wide. Your image will be stretched to this width automatically, and any excess image on the top or bottom will be cropped out.

The suggestion is 1000 pixels wide, but we suggest as high quality as possible. Great photos to use are high resolution photos that really showcase your organization or your programs.

One thing we notice is an overabundant amount of information in the general information section. Remember that the more text that you enter, the longer it takes the customer to scroll down to get to your products.

Tip 4: Limit the number of questions you ask your customers

Avoid cluttering this page with lots of text. Be concise and post only relevant and critical information. Remember that you can add more about each one of your products in the product description field.

Have a look at questions you’ve set as optional and if they’re really necessary. If you’ve set them as optional, do you really need them or do they just prolong your customer’s buying journey.

Storefront questions is a great feature to capture important information from your customers but it can also be very overwhelming for your customers to answer an excessive number of questions.

Have a look at the questions you’re asking and try and eliminate the ones you can leave out. Every additional second spent on answering your questions could sway your customers to go elsewhere.

You may also have individual liability or medical waivers, but consider consolidating these into your organization's terms and conditions.

Hi everyone!

Use a high quality logo, and although this has a much smaller footprint on your Storefront, you’ll want to put your best foot forward. To really make your logo feel more integrated, we recommend a transparent background. It’s easy to do - here’s a walkthrough on removing the background in just a few clicks

Tip 2: Keep your General Information Text short and concise

As a general guideline, you’ll want to include the following:

Tip 3: Keep your discount structure simple

Here are 4 quick tips on how to optimize your customer’s buying journey:

If you have a lot of SKU discounts, consider if there is a way to perhaps remove some of those discounts and instead, apply a percentage discount.

You have two types of discounts available: order discounts, which apply to an entire order which may contain multiple product purchases, and SKU discounts. SKU discounts are specific to each individual SKU item.

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4 Tips for Optimizing your Checklick Storefront

Jul 23, 2018 / By: Julia Dionne / In: Marketing/ 0 Comments

  • A brief description about your Organization (If you have your own website and you’re simply pointing your customer to your Storefront page to make a purchase, keep this short and point people to your website for more information)
  • Any special instructions or messages such as, “our refund policy is strict so please read the terms and conditions upon checkout carefully”



Good luck, and we wish you lots of business!

Make sure you fill in all mandatory fields. Required fields are marked *

Most Popular Posts:

This is Julia from Support. It’s been a pleasure helping organizations set up and optimize their Checklick Storefront, and I really wanted to put together a post addressing some of the common questions, and tips for perfecting your Storefront.

Aside from first impressions, you also want your customer to have a good user experience when purchasing your products. Always keep in mind that we’re all impatient when performing tasks on the web. We want the experience to be simple and efficient so, if there are opportunities to simplify the buyer’s journey, take them!

Tip 1: Use a high quality Background banner and Organization logo

This is likely the first thing your customers will look at when landing on your page. So keep in mind - use high quality photos. As suggested on the help icon on the background image dialog box,

Your background image must be a JPEG or PNG, ideally at least 1000px wide. Your image will be stretched to this width automatically, and any excess image on the top or bottom will be cropped out.

The suggestion is 1000 pixels wide, but we suggest as high quality as possible. Great photos to use are high resolution photos that really showcase your organization or your programs.

One thing we notice is an overabundant amount of information in the general information section. Remember that the more text that you enter, the longer it takes the customer to scroll down to get to your products.

Tip 4: Limit the number of questions you ask your customers

Avoid cluttering this page with lots of text. Be concise and post only relevant and critical information. Remember that you can add more about each one of your products in the product description field.

Have a look at questions you’ve set as optional and if they’re really necessary. If you’ve set them as optional, do you really need them or do they just prolong your customer’s buying journey.

Storefront questions is a great feature to capture important information from your customers but it can also be very overwhelming for your customers to answer an excessive number of questions.

Have a look at the questions you’re asking and try and eliminate the ones you can leave out. Every additional second spent on answering your questions could sway your customers to go elsewhere.

You may also have individual liability or medical waivers, but consider consolidating these into your organization's terms and conditions.

Hi everyone!

Use a high quality logo, and although this has a much smaller footprint on your Storefront, you’ll want to put your best foot forward. To really make your logo feel more integrated, we recommend a transparent background. It’s easy to do - here’s a walkthrough on removing the background in just a few clicks

Tip 2: Keep your General Information Text short and concise

As a general guideline, you’ll want to include the following:

Tip 3: Keep your discount structure simple

Here are 4 quick tips on how to optimize your customer’s buying journey:

If you have a lot of SKU discounts, consider if there is a way to perhaps remove some of those discounts and instead, apply a percentage discount.

You have two types of discounts available: order discounts, which apply to an entire order which may contain multiple product purchases, and SKU discounts. SKU discounts are specific to each individual SKU item.

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